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Crew Mobile in the Field

Learn the features of Crew Mobile when working in the field!

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago

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Crew Mobile is Aspire's mobile app that Crew Leaders and Crew Members can use to improve their workflow while onsite and communicate information back to those in office.

It's important to know what you can offer your team when they are performing services, and the type of information you can capture when Crew Mobile is in use.

📑 To understand how to use Crew Mobile on a device, please review:

Setting Up Your Crew Mobile Application

Crew Mobile can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS or the Play Store for Android devices.

Before using Crew Mobile, the application must be downloaded and installed on the crew leader’s device.

📑To learn more about device set up, please read Setting Up Crew Mobile on Mobile Devices, here.

Crew leaders should be set up in Aspire that have Crew Leader assigned to their user role, giving them full access to all Crew Mobile capabilities, including starting and stopping jobs, allocating materials, and adding notes to a job. Crew Leaders will see the buttons for Clock In, Schedule, Issues, Report Lunch, Crew, Daily Plan and Request Equipment Service, and Equipment Inspections (if enabled).

Crew Members only have the ability to clock in and out. Crew leaders can log in using either their PIN or their email and password .

Prior to logging in, users can set the language of Crew Mobile to Spanish. Setting the language to Spanish changes the language in which prompts, and labels are displayed. It does not change the language of notes or information entered into Aspire by your company.

Snow Mode

📌Note: Snow Mode on the Crew Mobile login page is only available if your Aspire system has Snow Mode enabled under Configuration in Administration.

To turn on Snow Mode, select the Snow Mode button before logging into Crew Mobile. Only work tickets for services in the Snow division and on the Materials screen, only items whose category name contains the word snow are displayed when in Snow Mode.

Crew Member Clock-in

Pressing the Clock In button will clock in a Crew Member for the day and record their location.

If you have Allow Crew Member Mobile Clock-In Without Crew Leader checked in Administration under Time Reporting, then they will also be required to select their Crew Leader in order to complete their clock in.

If you have established a minimum lunch period and your crew member has been clocked out for less than the minimum, Aspire will notify them. Once this setting is made, Crew Members can clock in on their own.

Once the Crew Leader is selected the Crew Member is clocked in and Aspire auto logs them out.

Crew Leader Clock-in

When a Crew Leader clocks in, there are prompts that might appear based on your company’s set up.

Crew Leaders can be set up to lead a multi-person crew. If their members are not set up as contacts, Aspire then asks for the number of crew members besides the crew leader.

Aspire will use this number to allocate the proper number of hours for jobs based on the time spent by the Crew Leader. Aspire keeps Crew Leaders logged in so they can perform different actions inside of their account.

As another option, you can also choose for your Crew Leaders to control recording breaks and clock outs for their team.

If a Crew Leader Clocks Their Crew Out

Once individual crew members have clocked in for the day, your crew leaders can clock them in and out for the remainder of the day.

Crew Leader Clock-Out

When the crew leader clocks out, they can take extra steps to help with communication back to staff that are not onsite. This makes sure any equipment requests are submitted and they complete any tasks asked of them.

Clock Out Forms

Some companies can set up a clock-out form to collect information at the end of the workday. If this is set up for the company, crew leaders are prompted to enter form information. We will discuss this later on in the article, in the section about Custom Forms.

Equipment Meter Readings

  • Crew Leaders can enter meter readings for In Service equipment assets assigned to their route.

Crew Mobile Dashboard

Crew Leaders have a selection of buttons to choose from when they log in that each serve a purpose while out in the field.


  • The schedule allows crew leaders to view work tickets scheduled for the day and any internal services assigned to their route. The crew leader can also start and stop work on jobs, add or view documents or photos, specify allocated materials and respond to issues tied to work tickets.


  • Allows crew leaders to view assigned customer issues to record notes explaining their response to issues.

Report Lunch

  • While time is currently active on a work ticket, clicking this button tells Aspire to subtract lunch time from the active work ticket.

Daily Plan

  • Shows equipment and material estimated for job’s scheduled on the specified day.

📑 To learn more about the Daily Plan Report, please read here.

Request Equipment Service

  • This option is only available if in-service equipment is assigned to the crew leader’s route.

  • Allows the crew leader to request service on equipment that is assigned to their route.

Equipment Inspections

  • This is an optional setting set up in Administration that displays the Equipment Inspection button. This helps Crew Leaders rate equipment quality.

📑 To learn more about using Equipment Inspections, please read here.

Using Custom Forms

Forms allow office staff to collect information from crew leaders while they are working out in the field.

📌Note: Custom Forms must be created and published in Administration in order for Crew Leaders to view and use.

The different Custom Form types you can create for your Crew Leaders to use are Clock-In, Clock-Out or Complete Ticket.

Completing Clock In Custom Forms

When a Crew Leader clicks Clock In, Aspire asks them for responses to each field listed on the Custom Form. After all responses have been entered and the crew leader clicks Save, clock in is complete and the form responses are saved.

Completing Work Ticket Custom Forms

Custom Forms also can be displayed for your Crew Leaders to complete before a work ticket is marked as completed. This makes sure that your team in office receives important information before the next work ticket is started.

Completing Clock Out Custom Forms

Clock Out Custom Forms are displayed when using the Clock Out button.

Before the clock-out form is displayed, the crew leader needs to verify that they are clocking out for the day and would like to fill out the end of day form.

📌Note: When the crew leader clocks out another crew member, the form will not appear.

Entering Equipment Meter Readings

If your company requires meter readings to be taken onsite, you can set this up for your Crew Mobile system. You can set these up to appear after each job, at the end of the day, or when Crew Leaders clock out on a certain day of the week.

Here is an example of what Crew Mobile looks like when you enter equipment meter readings:

It is not required that the crew leader provide readings for all assets.

A good example of this is if some equipment was not used during the work day. This means the reading field should be left blank. Once meter readings have been saved, they become available to view in Aspire Desktop.

Features of the Schedule Screen

The Schedule screen allows crew leaders to view work to be performed during that day.

This screen also allows them to select jobs to complete actions on like:

  • Logging time on a work ticket.

  • Viewing, creating or editing Issues.

  • Viewing or adding inventory materials used on work tickets.

  • Reviewing documents tied to the opportunity, property or work ticket.

  • Adding photos to work tickets.

  • Work tickets that have been scheduled for the day are displayed first.

🧠 These can be identified by the work ticket number that is included in each service line.

  • Properties assigned to the route are shown next.

    • The property list is commonly used for snow-related routes where a particular crew is responsible for a specific set of properties. You can create Quick Tickets by selecting these properties.

  • Next, internal non-billable service lines are shown. These are displayed with blue text.

  • Work tickets that have been completed are highlighted in blue.

Allocating to Unscheduled Work Tickets

📌Note: New will not appear in Crew Mobile unless the checkbox for Prompt for New Ticket in Crew Mobile is enabled in Administration.

Crew leaders can allocate time to work tickets that have not been scheduled or whose properties have not been added to a snow route. They can select the New button at the bottom of the Schedule screen. After the New button has been selected, Aspire allows the crew leader to select the property on which the work is being done.

For a property, there are three scenarios that allocating to unscheduled tickets might need to happen.

  • Work tickets with invoice type of Per Service on opportunities for the selected property.

  • As Needed Services for which work tickets are created on the fly.

  • Quick Tickets represented by the Create New Ticket option. Quick Tickets allow crew leaders to allocate work without assigning it to a ticket.

Office staff can then move all associated time and materials to the appropriate work ticket from Time Entry.

📌 Note: If within 24 hours the crew leader goes back to a property for which work was done for a nonscheduled service and selects the same service, Aspire will prompt them to determine whether to put the time on the same ticket created earlier, or to create or select another work ticket.

System Administrators can disable this prompt. If this is done, Aspire automatically chooses to put the time on another work ticket. It would not be the one that already has time allocated to it.

To disable the prompt, System Admins would have to check the Prompt for New Ticket in Crew Mobile checkbox in Time Reporting, under Configuration.

Features of the Work Ticket Screen

The Work Ticket screen allows Crew Leaders to do any of the following:

  • Logging time on a work ticket.

  • Viewing, editing or creating issues associated with a work ticket.

  • Viewing or adding inventory materials used on a work ticket.

  • Viewing documents tied to an opportunity, property or work ticket.

  • Adding photos to a work ticket.

  • The location icon displays the address of the property based on Google Maps.

  • The information icon displays notes to Crew Leaders regarding the property or services for the work ticket.

    • The types of notes available for viewing in this section are: Ticket Notes, Opportunity Service notes, Operation Notes, Service Specific Operation Notes, and Visit Notes.

⚠️ Opportunity Invoice Notes appear in Crew Mobile, but only when creating Quick Tickets.

Weathermatic Icon

Weathermatic is an optional third party integration that provides watering solutions with watering systems and is displayed on the Work Ticket screen.

This integration offers remote management when crews are offsite.

When the Weathermatic link is clicked for the first time for a property, Aspire navigates to Weathermatic and uses the geolocation of the selected property. The Weathermatic website is displayed showing a list of all properties within one mile of the specified location.

When your Crew Leader selects one of the sites from the list, that site will be tied to the Aspire property so that in the future, selecting the Weathermatic link for that property will go directly to the management screen for the property.

The Weathermatic Property Management screen will then be displayed.

Adding Time to Work Tickets

The Start/Stop Work button allows crew leaders to start or stop work on a work ticket.

If time on the selected work ticket was not previously started, the buttons will be labeled to Start work.

If time on the selected work ticket was started for any crew member, then the buttons for those individuals will be labeled Stop Work. Crew Leaders can use buttons to stop or start work on the ticket.

Associating Equipment On Work Tickets

When starting time on a work ticket, the crew leader can choose to associate equipment that the crew member will be operating by selecting an equipment item before starting time. The drop down provides a list of equipment items included on the opportunity service or as a subcontractor expense in the estimate for the work ticket.

When the user who is logged in is a subcontractor, only equipment set up for subcontractor expenses is available. The equipment item will be allocated to the job based on the duration of hours spent on the job and the unit price specified in the item catalog.

If the crew member stops using the equipment before they are done working, the crew leader can stop time on the job for that crew member, and then restart time for them without selecting equipment.

After the crew starts work with equipment selected, if the crew leader comes back to the screen and changes the equipment assigned to the employee, Aspire displays a message:

If the crew leader chooses Correct the Equipment, Aspire updates all the work ticket time already recorded to be applied to the newly selected equipment rather than the equipment originally selected.

If the crew leader chooses Start Time, then Aspire ends the current time and creates a new time entry on the same work ticket using the newly selected equipment item.

Reviewing Work Ticket Materials

The Materials screen allows crew leaders to view materials estimated to the job and to manage inventory materials on their jobs.

Materials that are purchased to the job, but not placed into job inventory are cost to the job upon receipt. Crew leaders do not have to record materials when they are placed on the job and Aspire prevents accidental recording of these kinds of materials.

For items in job inventory on a purchase receipt or for items taken from an inventory location to use on a job, crew leaders can record quantities they use.

📌Note: If the Crew Leader allocates a specific item to a work ticket on one day, and then an additional quantity of the same item on another day, Aspire shows two allocations as separate line items on the Materials screen.

Features of the Issues Screen

The Issues screen allows crew leaders to view or create issues associated with a work ticket.

The screen can be displayed from the following locations in Crew Mobile:

Issues button on the Crew Mobile Dashboard

  • This screen shows Issues assigned to the Crew Leader.

Open Issues on Work Tickets

  • The Open Issues button on the Work Ticket screen shows issues that are assigned to the work ticket.

  • Clicking on an issue in the list displays the Issue screen.

    • The New Issue icon is only available when the Open Issues screen is displayed from a work ticket.

    • Clicking this icon displays the New Issue screen and allows the crew leader to create a new issue that is associated with the selected work ticket.

Issue Details Screen

The Issue screen allows the crew leader to add comments or photos and update progress on the issue, or to mark the issue as complete.

New Issue Screen

The New Issue screen allows crew leaders to record issues discovered while on a job.

Reporting Lunch

This button is optional to be displayed in your Crew Mobile account.

While clocked into Crew Mobile and while time is currently active on a work ticket, clicking this button tells Aspire that the currently active work ticket is the one from which the lunch time will be subtracted. No other screens are displayed after the button is pressed.

Reviewing the Daily Plan

The Daily Plan items appear in Crew Mobile for your crews to see what has been delivered, and will need to be delivered to their job sites for the day.

📑To learn more about the Daily Plan, please visit this article.

Request Equipment Service and Equipment Inspections

The Request Equipment button allows Crew Leaders to request service on equipment that is assigned to their route. This tells your team in the office to schedule equipment service for repairs or maintenance.

📑To learn more about requesting equipment service, please watch this video.

Equipment Inspections

You can evaluate equipment quality with Equipment Inspections when your Crew Leaders use Crew Mobile. Use a Pass/Fail or Green/Yellow/Red grade to rate quality or equipment, initial inspections, or any other inspection type you set up in Aspire.

Equipment Inspections created in Crew Mobile are then compiled to make an Equipment Inspection Report visible by Administrators.

📑 If you are an Administrator looking how to create Equipment Inspection templates, please click here.

📑To learn more about Equipment Inspections, please read this article.

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