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Using the Services Import Spreadsheet

Read how you can mass import your services data into Aspire!

Aspire Software avatar
Written by Aspire Software
Updated over 10 months ago

Table of Contents


Aspire offers the ability to import your service data through the Services Data Import Spreadsheet.

It’s important to be aware of the requirements for a successful import. Part of that is making sure you have enabled Service Types and know how to set up a service manually

📑To learn more about creating Service Types, read here.

📑To learn about creating Services, read here.

Download the import sheet ONLY. Read the instructions to fill out each field (which are also available in the import sheet).

Services Data Import Sheet

To download:

If using Excel,

Click the button below to download a copy of the Services Import Sheet.

Select File ▶️ Download ▶️ Excel. Make sure to Save when filling out and when finished.

If using Google Sheets,

Click the button below to make a copy of the Services Import Sheet.

  • You will be prompted to sign in to your Google account.

  • Once you are signed in, you will be prompted to Copy Document. Select Make a Copy and the Services Import Sheet will open in Google Sheets.

  • Edit as needed.

Instructions (Tab 1)

Please follow the guidelines very carefully when populating your Excel spreadsheet with your Services data to be uploaded into the Aspire system.

To Fill Out:

There are 3 total tabs that will need to be reviewed which are listed below. Instructions for how to fill out each field, including required fields, are above each column.

  • Do not remove or change any columns on this spreadsheet. If removed or changed, the data load will not work.

  • Do not press “ENTER” (carriage return) or “ALT+ENTER” (linefeed) anywhere in the spreadsheet. These will not be accepted by our system.

  • Do not skip or have blank rows.

  • No copyright or trademark symbols.

Services Import (Tab 2)

⚠️ Columns A-E are required fields and must be filled with data. Do not leave these cells empty.

A. Division: This is a required field and cannot be left blank. These must match the divisions already created in your Aspire system. If they do not match, new divisions will be created. A division is a financial entity (profit center) that will earn the revenue for the Service. Must match names on the Division Worksheet.

B. Service Type: This is a required field and cannot be left blank. These must match the Service Types already created in your Aspire system. If they do not match, new service types will be created.

C. Service: This is a required field and cannot be left blank. A service is a task that will be performed at a property. Each service on an opportunity will create a work ticket that will be scheduled for your crew. If it needs to be scheduled separately or is unique to a division, it will need its own service.

This is the name that your estimator will see in estimating. We recommend adding the division abbreviation to this field to make estimating easier for your team. If you don't abbreviate, and if multiple divisions bid similar services, it can be difficult to find a division's specific service.

(i.e. MT - Bed Maintenance, IR - Irrigation Inspection, EN - Hardscape Enhancement)

D. Display Name: This is a required field and cannot be left blank. The display name is what is used on customer facing documents (layouts). Typically, this matches the Service without the division prefix. This is what the customer will see if you itemize your proposals!

(i.e. Bed Maintenance, Irrigation Inspection, Hardscape Enhancement)

E. Abbreviation: This is a required field and cannot be left blank. A shortened version of the service name with a max value of 20 characters. This is used on the Schedule Board and on mobile devices. As well, this field is what is seen by work crews.

(i.e. Bed Maint., Irr. Inspection, Hardscape Enhance)

F: Contract Service: Enter 1 if the Service is available to be bid on a contract. Enter 0 if not.

G: Service Description: This is optional text describing the Service provided within the service itself. This is displayed on your maintenance contracts to the customer. It should be a standard description. You will be able to customize the description at the opportunity level if you would like.

Examples (Tab 3)

This tab includes examples of common services used within Aspire to show types of services and naming conventions and how they should be formatted. Do not edit items on this tab, use only for reference purposes.

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