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Approving a Device

This article explains how to approve a device so that employees can access Aspire from that device.

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago

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In order to access Aspire, and to ensure the security of your system, all devices that connect to Aspire will have to be approved by a System Admin or Branch Admin in Aspire.

Even when an employee has a user record, they will need their device(s) approved to log in.

Typically, the steps are as follows:

  1. The employee contact is created and user record is created.

  2. The employee signs in for the first time with Email, Password, and Company Code as well as entering Device Name

  3. A Device Approval screen will appear.

  4. An email is sent to the System Admin to approve the device.

  5. The System Admin will approve the device.

  6. If approved, the employee will click Refresh and reenter email and password or PIN.

Steps 2 through 6 will apply for every new device or browser. If a browser's cookies are cleared, these steps will also need to be followed to reauthorize the device.


  1. The user who is approving devices must have their permissions set to System Admin or Branch Admin access

    🧠 While both system and branch admins can approve devices, only System Admins will receive a Device Approval request through email. Branch Admins can manually approve devices through Administration.

  2. The user requesting device authorization must have a contact record and user record set up. (To learn how to create an employee contact, click here!)

The Device Approval Process

While both system and branch admins can approve devices, only System Admins will receive a Device Approval request through email. Branch Admins can follow the process here to manually approve.

Approving a Device Through Email

1. To start the device approval process, the employee will enter their information as shown in the example below:

2. Once the employee selects Login, they will get the following screen that explains their device needs authorized:

2. An email will be sent to you, the System Admin, asking for approval. Find the email and click on the hyperlinked "here" to approve the device.

3. The employee will not be sent an email notification, so it's important that you communicate to them that their device is approved.

4. They can then click Refresh and enter their email and password or PIN to login.

Approving a Device Through Administration

Approving a device through Administration is the option to use for those with Branch Admin roles or for any admin to approve a device manually.

1. To start the device approval process, the employee will enter their information as shown in the example below:

2. Once the employee selects Login, they will get the following screen that explains their device needs authorized:

3. To manually approve the device in the Aspire system, click on your Profile in the bottom left corner to head to Administration.

4. Arriving in Administration, click User Management then Devices. The Devices subsection will default to the Pending Devices list, only showing devices that need to be activated, including your employee's device.

5. You can click the Active checkbox for the device to activate it. A pop-up window will appear.

Otherwise, you can click the device name that needs to be activated.

6. The device record will show. Click the grey Active slider as shown below.

7. It will turn yellow, showing the device has now been activated, and then take you back to the Pending Devices screen. You will notice the device you just approved is no longer in the list.

8. The employee will not be sent an email notification, so it's important that you communicate to them that their device is approved.

9. If the screen below is displayed, the employee can click Refresh and log in with their email and password or PIN.

Using Auto Approving for Devices

When the Auto Approve Device function is enabled, the device of a user will automatically be approved after they correctly enter their email address, password, company code along with their new device's name.

If you would like to enable this setting for your company, follow these steps:

1. Click on your Profile Icon in the bottom left corner to head to Administration.

2. Click Configuration in the upper right. Select Application.

3. Once on this screen, check the Auto Approve Device box to start auto approving devices. This will apply to the entire company.

6. Last, click Save in the top right corner.

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