Using the Item Import Spreadsheet

Read how you can mass import your items into your item catalog!

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents


​If you would like to mass import your catalog items, download our Item Import Sheet below and read the instructions on the first tab.

❗ Below, you can download the import sheet as well as read the instructions to filling out each field (which are also available in the import sheet).

Item Import Sheet

To download:

If using Excel,

File → Download → Excel. Make sure to Save when filling out and when finished.

If using Google Sheets,

File → Make A Copy → Select Google Drive Space

Instructions (Tab 1)

Please follow the guidelines very carefully below when populating your Excel spreadsheet with your items data to be uploaded into the Aspire system.

To Fill Out:

There are 2 total tabs that will need to be filled out which are listed below. Instructions for how to fill out each field, including required fields, are above each column.

  • Do not remove or change any columns on this spreadsheet. If removed or changed, the data load will not work.

  • Do not press “ENTER” (carriage return) or “ALT+ENTER” (linefeed) anywhere in the spreadsheet. These will not be accepted by our system.

  • Do not skip or have blank rows.

Item Import (Tab 2)

⚠️ Columns A-H, J, and K are required fields and must be filled with data. Do not leave these cells empty.

A. Item Name: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Enter the common name for the item. This name is visible on proposals and when estimating. Additional info on where names are visible through Aspire can be found by clicking the Item Name.

B. Alt Name: This is a required field and cannot be left blank

This is a required field and cannot be left blank. Often the same as Item Name but can be used for botanical name or other name for customer facing documents. If not using, then insert item name. Additional info on where names are visible through Aspire can be found by clicking the Item Name.

C. Type: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Select Type from the available dropdown menu. Types are predetermined by Aspire and can't be customized.

D. Category: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Used to group kinds of Items. i.e. Gravel, Stone, Trees/Shrubs Hardscape, Perennial, Chemical, etc. for purchasing and reporting purposes

E. Purchase Unit: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Specify the unit of measure that provides the basis for ordering the item from a vendor. For example, if you order Roundup in two-gallon containers, the purchase unit might be “2 Gal.” Unit types are customizable and defined by your company.

F. Allocation Unit: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Often the same as Purchase Unit this is the unit of measure for the item when it is allocated/sold to the job. i.e., a "yard" of mulch or "lbs" of salt. Unit types are customizable and defined by the user.

G. Conversion: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

The conversion factor to get from the Alloc. Units to the Purchase Unit. Most items will have conversion of 1: Purchase a yard of mulch and allocate a yard of mulch. When different. Purchase 1 ton of Salt > Allocate it by the Pound > Conversion would be 2000.

H. Cost: This is a required field that must be a decimal and cannot be left blank.

Cost is what you pay for the item prior to any markups. You can include tax in the cost if you pay sales tax and do not charge sales tax to the customer, states vary.

I. Code

Code used by you or your vendor to identify an Item.

J. Inventory: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

Enter 1 if this is an Item you will keep in your inventory. Enter 0 if it is not.

K. Avail to Bid: This is a required field and cannot be left blank.

For an initial item import it will be 1 for all items.

L. EPA Name

The materials EPA name if reporting on chemical usage. Examples of chemical usage reports can be found by clicking the EPA Name header column.

M. EPA Number

This would be your materials’ EPA number if you need to report on chemical usage.

N. Notes

This note becomes available when the item is placed onto a service in the estimate. Additionally, you can choose to include it in the layout for a proposal as extra information for the customer.

O. Branch

Only available on the item’s detail screen if Enhance Branch Admin Security is enabled. Allows the Branch Admin to specify the branches for which the item can be used. Often this is left blank and the item will be available for all branches.

Examples (Tab 3)

This tab includes examples of common items used within Aspire. It also shows items and naming conventions and how they should be formatted. Do not edit items on this tab, use only for reference purposes.

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