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Understanding Aspire's Invoice Layout Functionality
Understanding Aspire's Invoice Layout Functionality

Knowledge on Invoice Layout Types available! Read here before submitting your request!

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago

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Aspire’s invoice layouts are designed to work alongside invoice creation. Our layouts are dynamic which means they will automatically change the information displayed based on the opportunity and service invoice type.

This means that most clients only need one invoice layout.

The need for multiple invoice layouts would be if you need to display two different levels of T&M detail or for special use cases like grouping multiple properties into one invoice or AIA billing for construction.

This article details how each invoice type displays on our standard invoice sample, CAT - Invoice 1.1.

The examples below are printed using the same layout to demonstrate how invoices change based on the Opportunity Invoice Type. Because Aspire’s Opportunity and Service Invoice Type drives the information that is available, layout changes usually cannot display additional information.

📑 To review the full Layout Catalog, please refer to this article.

Understanding Options for Invoice Opportunity Descriptions

The first line in the detail section of the invoice in Aspire is dynamic and displays different information based on the opportunity invoice type.

It's common to display the Opportunity Number and Name.

A good example of this would look like: #770 - Landscape Maintenance.

However, this will also display the payment schedule description for opportunity invoice types of Fixed Payment and Fixed Price on Payment Schedule.

A good example of this would look like: #760- Landscape Maintenance June 2023.

T&M on Completion and Fixed Price on Completion invoices also display Proposal Description 1 under the Opportunity Number & Opportunity Name as part of the Invoice Opportunity Description.

📌 Note: Fixed Price on Completion Invoices pull the description from the Invoice on Completion Description in Administration ➡️ Configuration ➡️ Invoicing. This defaults to the opportunity number and name, but can be overridden in your system.

Invoice Layout Features

We have created a chart to explain what's included on default or sample layouts and to help you understand what is optional on the different layout types:

Next, we will go into detail about each layout type and what will be displayed.

For Contract Invoice Types

Fixed Payment Invoices

When printing a Fixed Payment invoice, it will display:

  1. Opportunity Number

  2. Opportunity Name

  3. Month and year from the payment schedule

  4. Monthly price from the payment schedule

  5. Opportunity Invoice Notes (if any)

  6. Invoice notes display above the total (if any)

Services can only be included if you select the option to Link Completed Tickets on the Payment Schedule on the opportunity. This option does not require a layout revision to display the services when selected.

Here's an example of when this invoice type is printed:

Per Service Invoices

When printing Per Service invoices they will display:

  1. Opportunity Number

  2. Opportunity Name

  3. Opportunity Invoice Notes (if any)

  4. Service Names

  5. Service prices

  6. Invoice Notes display above the total (if any)

📌 Note: Item details are not available for Per Service invoices.

Here's an example of when this invoice type is printed:

T&M Contracts

This invoice layout type defaults to displaying full item details. This includes item name, quantity, unit, unit price (rate) and extended price.

If you do not want to display full item detail, this would require a layout revision. Or, if you need different levels of item detail (like one with item pricing and one without), you will need a separate T&M invoice. It's recommended to select the standard display for your standard invoice and let the secondary T&M invoice be used less.

When printing a T&M invoice layout, it will automatically display:

  1. Opportunity number

  2. Opportunity name

  3. Opportunity invoice notes (if any)

  4. Service names

  5. Service prices

  6. Item Detail: Item name, quantity, unit, unit price (rate) and extended price will be grouped under each service.

  7. Invoice note is set to display above the total (if any)

For Work Orders

Aspire's invoice layouts default to displaying full item detail for T&M on Completion for Work Orders. They include item name, quantity, unit, unit price (rate) and extended price.

T&M on Completion

When printing T&M on Completion for Work Orders, the invoice will automatically display as follows:

  1. Opportunity Number and Opportunity Name

    1. This also could be the description from the Invoice on Completion Description in Admin ➡️ Configuration ➡️ Invoicing)

  2. Proposal Description 1

    1. Proposal Description 1 is automatically added underneath the opportunity description as part of Aspire’s invoice functionality.

    2. If you do not wish it to display on the printed invoice, you will need to request a layout revision to suppress Proposal Description 1.

  3. Opportunity Invoice Notes (if any)

  4. Service Names

  5. Service prices

  6. Item details

    1. These include Item Name, quantity, unit, unit price (rate) and extended price

    2. These are be grouped under each service.

  7. Invoice Notes are set to display above the total (if any).

If you do not want to display full item detail, this would require a layout revision. Or, if you need different levels of item detail (like one with item pricing and one without), you will need a separate T&M invoice. It's recommended to select the standard display for your standard invoice and let the secondary T&M invoice be used less.

The section labeled Scope of Work pulls from Proposal Description 1.

Here's an example of when these invoice types are printed:

Layout Types for Fixed Price Invoices

Fixed Price on Payment Schedule

When printing Fixed Price on Payment Schedule invoices, they are displayed with:

  1. Opportunity Number

  2. Opportunity Name

  3. Payment schedule description

  4. Amount from payment schedule

  5. Opportunity Invoice Notes (if any)

  6. Invoice Notes are set to display above the total (if any)

No other detail is available for this invoice type.

Here's an example of when this invoice type is printed:

Fixed Price Open Billing

When printing Fixed Price Open Billing, the invoice will display as follows

  1. Opportunity number

  2. Opportunity name

  3. Schedule of value description

  4. Corresponding schedule of values amount

  5. Opportunity invoice notes (if any)

  6. Invoice note is set to display above the total (if any)

If you wish to display services, please align the schedule of values to the service names by linking them to the work ticket in the schedule of values. The layout will display whatever is selected in the schedule of values, so this is user-driven. No item detail is available for this layout type.

Fixed Price on Completion

When printing Fixed Price on Completion, the invoice will display:

  1. Opportunity Number and Opportunity Name (or other description from the Invoice on Completion Description in Administration ➡️ Configuration ➡️ Invoicing)

  2. Proposal Description 1

    1. Proposal Description 1 is automatically added underneath the opportunity description as part of Aspire’s invoice functionality. If you do not wish it to display on the printed invoice, you will need to request a layout revision to suppress Proposal Description 1.

  3. Opportunity Invoice Notes (if any)

  4. Service names

  5. Service prices

  6. Invoice note is set to display above the total (if any)

Item detail is only included when the option to Show Invoice Details is selected on the Invoice Info window in the opportunity. This must be selected prior to generating the invoice in order to include the item detail.

When this option is selected, the item detail will display the same way as on T&M on Completion. Please note that no revisions are necessary for this option to function. Item display is based on whether the option is checked on the opportunity.

📌 Note: Make sure to select the option to display Estimated under Show Invoice Details. Fixed Price on Completion is based on the estimated item pricing, not on the actual items used. So, if you use the Actual option, it may result in discrepancies between the item pricing and the opportunity total. This will result in confusion for your clients and can cause issues.

Please note this includes both Proposal Description 1 and the option to display estimated item details. The section labeled Scope of Work pulls from Proposal Description 1.

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