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Using Filter Fields on Lists

Learn how to improve your filters to power-up your list building skills!

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago

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What is Filtering?

Filtering allows you to narrow down the information you would like to see on a list. In this example, we’ll take a look at the Properties module.

The list is being filtered to show only properties that are both active and assigned to the Main branch. You can view the current filters being applied by looking at the top of the list, where the current filters are displayed in gray.

(To see your current filters displayed this way, go to your User Settings and check the highlighted permission on the right)

How to Filter a List

To filter a list, click the Filter button at the top of the screen or into one of the current filters.

This opens the Filter window, which shows the current filters being applied to the list.

Adding Filter Fields

To add a Filter, you can use the dropdown menu labeled Select One or you can begin typing in the field to find the option you’re looking for.

When you locate the option you’d like to choose, click on it to add it to the list.

In this example, the filter field of Account Owner Name is being applied to the list.

Narrowing Your Search

There are several options to narrow information using the filter. In this example, we are looking for properties with the Account Owner Name of Susan Kelly.

To do this, select the Filter Type of In and Value of Susan Kelly. This will filter the list to show all properties that have Susan Kelly as the assigned Account Owner.

🧠 It can be helpful to read the filter from left to right to understand what is being searched. In this scenario, the filter reads “Account Owner Name” “in” “Susan Kelly.”

Excluding Information

Filter fields can also be used to exclude information. In this example, we want to filter the list to show all properties that do not have Susan Kelly as the Account Owner. To do this, select the Not In filter type.

This will show all properties that have an assigned Account Owner other than Susan Kelly.

By reading from left to right, the filter reads “Account Owner Name” “not in” “Susan Kelly.”

Using Filter Types & Values

Certain filters allow you to set a numerical value and to specify how you would like to use that value to search.

In this example, we want to filter the list to show all properties with a Budget of over $5,000. To do this, select the Field Name of Budget. Under the Filter Type drop down, there are several options:

  • If Equals is selected, the system will search for all properties that have a Budget that equals $5,000.

  • If Greater than or Equal To is selected, the system will search for all properties that have a Budget that equals or is greater than $5,000.

  • To search for properties with a Budget between $5,000 and $10,000, the Between filter type can be selected to filter by the search range.

To apply the filters and view the results in the list, select Apply.


Conditions may also be used to further specify your search criteria in Filters. Often they are used to create a relationship between different filters in your display window.

In this example, we want to filter the list to view active properties that have either Anthony Jones as the assigned Ops Manager or Jimmy John as the assigned Account Owner.

Instead of searching separately, the filters can be searched for at the same time by using a condition. By using the condition “1 AND (2 or 3),” the system will search for properties that fulfill the filter of active, and also fulfill either the 2nd or 3rd filter on the list.

Removing a Filter

To remove a filter from the list, click the trash can and hit Apply for your filter to update.

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