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Using the SiteOne Integration in Aspire
Using the SiteOne Integration in Aspire

Read here to learn more about using the integration between SiteOne and Aspire!

Aspire Software avatar
Written by Aspire Software
Updated over 2 months ago

Table of Contents

Setup of SiteOne Integration

✅ System Admin Permissions Required

✅ Your company must have an account with SiteOne in place.

  1. Go to the Administration module ➡️ Select Configuration ➡️ then select the Application sub tab.

  2. Check toggle switch on for Enable SiteOne Price Book Integration:

  3. Click Save in the upper right.

Creating Catalog Price Lists for Each Branch

Prior to establishing the import, a catalog price list must be created for each branch.

  1. Select the Application tab in Administration ➡️ Click the Lists subsection

  2. From the Lists drop down, choose Catalog Price List

  3. A new Catalog Price List can be created by clicking the blue New Button in the upper right. Create a Price List for each branch using the SiteOne integration. It’s standard for the name of the price list to share the name of the branch.

    1. For example: For the Edgerton branch, you would type, "Edgerton Price List"

  4. Click Save for each new Catalog Price List.

Assigning the Catalog Price Lists for Each Branch

  1. Select the Organization tab in Administration ➡️ then select the Branches subsection

  2. Click into the branch and assign the catalog price list specific to the branch in the Catalog List dropdown.

Importing the SiteOne Price Book

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen in the branch record and check the Import SiteOne Price Book checkbox.

  2. For each branch, enter the exact store number for each type that applies to that branch.


    1. 📌 Not all branches will have the same SiteOne store numbers, so it is important to double-check that your store numbers are correct with SiteOne. Aspire will load catalog items into the item catalog to be made available when estimating.

    2. 📌 All categories are not required. For example: The user can decide to only import Irrigation Items and leave the other categories blank.

After entering store numbers on the branch record, click Save at the top right. Aspire displays a browser window that directs to the SiteOne website to log in.

💡 The price that comes over from SiteOne is the discounted price.

💡 For the SiteOne login page to open, pop ups have to be permitted for SiteOne site.

💡 The catalog import happens overnight. If the import is established today, catalog items will be available the next day. Items imported from SiteOne are assigned a branch based on setup. To verify the number of catalog items that have synced, you can review the Status field, which will display after a sync is completed.

Syncing Multiple Branches In A Row

⚠️ When multiple branches are used, a different SiteOne login must be used per branch. If the same SiteOne login is used across branches, only one will sync, and the others would report the AccessToken as invalid.

  1. Go to the first branch in Aspire, setup the integration as above, and click Save. When the SiteOne portal is displayed to login, use the SiteOne account specific to that Aspire branch.

  2. On the separate tab in the same browser, navigate back to the SiteOne portal and log out.

  3. Close the browser.

  4. Open the browser back up, and repeat step one for the second branch. (So on and so forth for the remaining branches.)

Finding SiteOne Items In the Item Catalog

Once the import is complete, you can verify the import has occurred.

  1. In Administration, click the Estimating tab ➡️ then click Item Catalog

  2. SiteOne items can be identified in the Items catalog list by filtering for field name of Vendor Catalog and Value of SiteOne

If items show at the right prices, the import has worked correctly!

Estimating With SiteOne Items

When adding items to an estimate, a standard search will display items from the SiteOne vendor catalog.

If the user would prefer to see a list of only SiteOne items when searching items, click the magnifying glass in item search.

In the Catalog Item Search screen, apply a filter for Vendor Catalog and select SiteOne. Selecting only SiteOne, will then show only SiteOne items.

Last, click Save.

Reestablishing SiteOne Sync

Recently, the refresh token for your SiteOne sync was disabled due to a functionality upgrade. To receive nightly updates, the sync needs to be reestablished.

To do this:

  1. Go to the branch set up for SiteOne and uncheck the Import SiteOne Price Book checkbox so that the system removes all your store numbers.

  2. Click the Save Icon.

  3. Follow the setup instructions for reestablishing your sync with SiteOne.

    1. If you are a multi-Branch company, you will need to perform this task for each branch and follow the multiple branch setup instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I completed the admin setup but don’t see items?

A: Catalog Items are imported and updated overnight. You will see them the day after establishing the sync. Once imported any cost updates will update overnight.

Q: How are categories assigned when Items are imported?

A: Categories are assigned using the naming convention on the Import SiteOne Price Book tab in branch setup. SiteOne categories are Nursery, Landscape Supplies, Outdoor Lighting, Irrigation, Maintenance. Once an item is created, a category can be changed if there are existing categories you would prefer to use instead.

Q: How are unit types assigned when items are imported?

A: Unit types are assigned by Setup in SiteOne’s catalog. If an existing catalog is in place there could be similar unit types. example: Unit type of BX existed, SiteOne had unit type of BOX.

Q: I had an items catalog in Aspire before importing SiteOne items. Does this affect my current item list?

A: No. Importing SiteOne items does not change any existing items that were already in place.

Items to Consider:

  • Are there items that should be made inactive now that I imported SiteOne items?

  • Before inactivating an inventory item is there a QTY on hand balance that should be transferred to the new SiteOne item?

  • Do templates have to be updated to add SiteOne Items?

  • Do kits have to be updated to include SiteOne items?

Q: Will importing items change anything in purchasing assistant?

A: No. Any opportunities that are won will remain as is. Purchasing assistant will show original catalog items that were estimated.

Q: After SiteOne items have been imported, can I edit the item name or alternate name in the item catalog?
A: Yes. When SiteOne items are updated it is using the Item Code to update the cost of the item. Item Name and Alt Name will not be over written.

Q: How many items will sync from my SiteOne store.

A: It depends on the store. Any items sold within that branch & category over the last twelve months will be available.

Q: How can I identify SiteOne catalog items vs. Catalog items I add to Aspire?

A: Two Ways

  • In Admin > Estimating > Item Catalog, there is a field called Vendor Catalog that can be used to filter, display, sort, group SiteOne Items.

  • When estimating and adding an item the magnifying glass for Advanced Item Search can be clicked. Vendor catalog can be used as a filter to display SiteOne catalog items only.

When allocating inventory items from Aspire's mobile app, SiteOne items are not specified. Crew Leaders will see item names as they exist today. In purchasing assistant, SiteOne items are not specified. It will work as it exists today.

Q: Is Integration available for Canadian Clients.

A: Canadian companies are not able to sync SiteOne items at this time.

Q: What if I believe there are items missing in my Aspire catalog after the sync is complete who should I contact?

A: Contact your SiteOne sales rep or CX associate.

Q: Is the cost in Aspire my adjusted store pricing?

A: Yes. The item cost should reflect the adjusted cost provided to your account for that store.

Q: What is the status when syncing?

A: Once they sync is in place the store being synced with will display a status.



Completed Batch with.....

Displayed after successful sync with total number of catalog items synced.

Sent Request

Displayed while the items are currently updating. If there is a break in communication it will also display the attempt number up to three attemps.

No catalog price list

During branch setup the Catalog List was not assigned. Refer to assigning catalog price list.

Received Request. No Items to process

The store being synced with does not carry materials in that category


there was a break in the communication. Please submit a ticket to AspireCare

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