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Lists to Create for Operations Managers

Read here to learn about the lists to create for your Operation Manager user roles to help improve daily workflows!

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over 6 months ago

Table of Contents


Below are recommended lists that should be created, saved, and shared with your Operations Manager related user roles.

Any of these lists can be customized with additional filters to focus your list on specific branches, divisions, sales reps, account managers, and more!

Use the key below to understand the actions available when building your lists.


My Open Tasks

This list shows all of your tasks that have not been completed. It's recommended to display and sort this list by Due Date.

My Open Issues

This list shows all of your issues that have not been completed. It's recommended to display and sort this list by Due Date.


In Process After End Date

This list should remain as close to zero opportunities as possible and be reviewed weekly.

All opportunities within this list contain work tickets that are not completed but the end date of the opportunity has passed. The list will assist in maintaining earned revenue and timely invoicing.

Work Tickets

Open Work Tickets (Through This Week)

This list should remain as close to zero work tickets as possible and be used daily.

This list is vital to recognize unscheduled work tickets and newly sold work to schedule all tickets.

Scheduled Work Tickets W/O Future Visits

This list should remain as close to zero work tickets as possible and be used daily.

This list shows work tickets that have been scheduled at some point in the past, with no future visits scheduled. With this list, you are able to complete the work ticket or schedule a future visit.

Completed With Committed Cost

This list should remain as close to zero work tickets as possible and be used daily. This list will show Completed or Pending Approval work tickets that have purchase receipts in New status.

This list is especially important for T&M tickets that are pending approval.

With this list, you can drill into the work ticket, and into the cost, find the items with a quantity in the committed column, and review the purchase receipt. You can determine if the receipt should be deleted or received. If the ticket was prematurely completed, you could uncomplete the work ticket.

Completed Last Week

This list is used to verify efficiencies and cost for the week.

You can use this list to compare Gross Margin Percentage, Drive Time Percentage, Anticipated Start Date, Est vs Act Labor, Materials, Equipment, Sub, and Other costs.

This list will help you confirm any hour discrepancies, cost variances, or excessive drive time. You can also use this to make sure that the correct ticket was completed by comparing Anticipated Start Date vs. Completed Date.


Employee Clock Time Report

Daily Roll Call

This list is to view whether an employee has had clock time in the last 7 days and can be reviewed daily.

A check mark indicates the employee has clock time for that day. You could add Employee Name as a filter to remove salaried or management from the list. Then, you can correct inaccuracies in Time Entry.

Clock Time Report

Clocked in – Not Clocked Out

This list is mostly used at the end of the day to view who is still out working or who’s time hasn’t been accepted yet and should be reviewed daily.

You can use this list to make sure all employees time should be accepted in Time Entry before beginning work the next day. This will eliminate extra work when you are approving weekly hours for your crews.


Material Needs

This list shows all estimated items that have not yet been ordered or allocated on open and scheduled work tickets and should be reviewed weekly.

You can specify Purchase Date in the Purchasing Assistant list screen which represents the scheduled start date of the work ticket. Then, you can select items to be purchased and create a new purchase receipt.

Missed Allocations

This list should remain as close to zero line items as possible and can be reviewed daily.

This list shows Completed or Pending Approval work tickets that have remaining or unallocated materials.

If you notice a work ticket was completed prematurely, uncomplete the work ticket. If the remaining materials will not be used, select the item(s) and remove them from this list. If items were used from inventory, but not recorded, select the item(s) and allocate from inventory.

Aging Purchase Receipts

This list shows purchase receipts that could potentially be received and should be reviewed weekly.

It's okay if they are not received as long as the order is still relevant or not picked up. You can leave the purchase order as is if it still Pending Receipt. If materials are in your company's possession, receive the receipt. If the receipt is no longer relevant, delete the receipt.

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