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Syncing Aspire to Other Accounting Systems

The steps detailed in this article are required to sync Aspire to QuickBooks Online and other Accounting Systems.

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Written by Aspire Software
Updated over a week ago


If your company is using other accounting systems, including QuickBooks Online, for Accounting, read this article!

Following these steps will make sure that your Accounting System is successfully synced with Aspire. This article is also for those using QuickBooks Online!

Table of Contents

Setup in QuickBooks Online

Records will sync automatically in your accounting system when information gets entered into Aspire. Without completing the sync, the information recorded in Aspire would need to be manually entered to your accounting system.

When Aspire syncs with QuickBooks Online these three things will happen:

1. All of your vendors will sync from your QuickBooks OnlineAspire

2. Your approved purchase receipts sync from AspireQuickBooks Online. The purchase receipts in Aspire will show as a bill to pay QuickBooks Online.

3. Your deposits will sync from AspireQuickBooks Online.

Without successfully syncing, QuickBooks Online may not be up-to-date and your team might be doing extra work! The sync prevents duplicate work for the administrator that is transferring the information and saves time.


Confirm if you have these accounts in QuickBooks Online.

  • Undeposited Fund

    • Account Type - Undeposited Fund

  • Accounts Receivable

    • Account Type - Accounts Receivable

  • Accounts Payable

    • Account Type - Accounts Payable

Add the following accounts to your Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online if you do not have them already.

  • Inventory Holding

    • Account Type - Other Current Asset

The accounts below are Sub Accounts under Inventory Holding.

  • Inventory Holding - Material

  • Inventory Holding - Equipment

  • Inventory Holding - Sub

  • Inventory Holding - Other

    • Account Type - Other Current Asset

If you use the SAAS accounting method with earned revenue:

You will need to add additional accounts in your Chart of Accounts. These do not need to be added for the sync, but will need to be added before using Aspire.

  • Over/Under (Earned Revenue Greater than Invoiced)

    • Account Type - Other Asset

  • Over/Under (Invoiced Revenue Greater than Earned)

    • Account Type - Other Current Liability

  • Revenue Variance

    • Account Type - Income

Other Steps to Complete

  • Set up a customer called Aspire System in QuickBooks Online.

  • All active vendors go to Aspire; make sure the vendors are all currently used and active. Aspire pulls vendors from QuickBooks Online from the company name field first, and if that field is blank, it will look at the vendor name.

  • Aspire recommends cleaning up your vendor list and deactivating any vendors that you do not use in QuickBooks. Once vendors come over into Aspire, inactivate any vendors you would not use in Aspire. This ensures you do not use the incorrect vendor for Purchase Receipts.

    • Examples: utilities, notes payable, insurance, etc.

⚠️ Do not delete vendors in Aspire, just inactivate them. Otherwise, that vendor will come over on the next sync.

Syncing QuickBooks Online With Aspire

After you have entered your QuickBooks information, you can move forward with the set up in Aspire.

⚠️ Note: QuickBooks Online will need to be closed for this step.

  • Select your Profile Icon in the blue side menu, then select Administration.

  • Click the Configuration.

  • Select the Accounting Sync.

  • On the drop down Integrate with External Accounting at System Level, choose QuickBooks Online from the dropdown.

  • Then, select the blue Accounting Sync button.

  • This opens the login screen for QuickBooks. Enter your credentials for the primary administrator account and authorize Aspire to connect with your QuickBooks Online account.

  • Exit out of Aspire and log back in. Select the Chart of Account numbers from each drop down. If the numbers do not appear in the dropdown, you may need to wait up to 24 hours before these will come over. You can refresh the page and check as the numbers sync over.

📌 Note: The Purchase Tax Account, the Revenue Account and the Misc. Invoice Amount are for Aspire's Canadian clients, only.

Sync Meeting for QuickBooks Online

If you need additional support when syncing QuickBooks Online to Aspire, a sync meeting is also an option. The meeting will discuss the steps listed above.

🧠 Depending on your sales tier, an Aspire Accounting Specialist will schedule a call for your QuickBooks Online sync. If you are a Growth client, or are not in Implementation, to get your sync call scheduled, please submit a support ticket to AspireCare.

  • Make sure you have access to the Primary Administrator account for QuickBooks, so you can make necessary changes during the call.

  • You will need to screen share to display QuickBooks Online and Aspire on your computer.

  • This meeting will confirm that your Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online is configured correctly.

  • Once synced, you'll select the Chart of Account information from the drop down in Aspire under Accounting Sync in Administration.

Set Up in Other Accounting Systems

⚠️ Coordinate time with your accounting system support team to complete the sync steps. For Acumatica users, please reach out to Technical Services in AspireCare, so they can coordinate with our preferred partners.

Confirm if you have following accounts in your accounting system Chart of Accounts:

  • Checking Account

    • Account Type - Bank Account

  • Accounts Receivable

    • Account Type - Accounts Receivable

  • Accounts Payable

    • Account Type- Accounts Payable

Add the following accounts to your Chart of Accounts if you do not have them already.

  • Inventory Holding

    • Account Type - Other Current Asset

The accounts below are Sub Accounts under Inventory Holding.

  • Inventory Holding - Material

  • Inventory Holding - Equipment

  • Inventory Holding - Sub

  • Inventory Holding - Other

    • Account Type - Other Current Asset

If you use the SAAS accounting method with earned revenue:

You will need to add additional accounts in your Chart of Accounts. These do not need to be added for the sync, but will need to be added before using Aspire.

  • Over/Under (Earned Revenue Greater than Invoiced)

    • Account Type - Other Asset

  • Over/Under (Invoiced Revenue Greater than Earned)

    • Account Type - Other Current Liability

  • Revenue Variance

    • Account Type - Income

Other Steps to Complete

After you have finalized your chart of accounts, complete the last steps in your accounting system before moving over to Aspire to enter your Accounting Sync details.

If you are in Implementation, and using an accounting system that does not have an integration with Aspire, your implementation manager can help you get connected with our preferred partners to setup a custom integration.

📌 Note: If you need assistance on setting up your chart of accounts in your accounting system, please reach out to your accounting system representative directly.

  • Set up a Customer called Aspire System.

  • Aspire recommends cleaning up your vendor list and deactivating any vendors that you do not use in your accounting system. Once vendors come over into Aspire, deactivate any vendors you would not use in Aspire. This ensures you do not use the incorrect vendor for Purchase Receipts.

    • Examples: utilities, notes payable, insurance, etc.

⚠️ Do not delete vendors in Aspire, just inactivate them. Otherwise, that vendor will come over on the next sync.

  • Aspire can possibly pull vendors from certain fields in your accounting system depending on your accounting system.

    • Example: Acumatica and Great Plains pull vendors from the company name field.

Enter Sync Details in Aspire

Next, setup your Accounting Sync details in Aspire.

Follow the steps below to ensure that your sync is correct between your accounting system and Aspire.

  • Click Settings.

  • Click Administration.

  • Select the Configuration. Then, click Accounting Sync.

  • Choose Integrate with External Accounting at System Level and pick your accounting system from the list. If your accounting system is not listed here, you will select None.

    • If None is selected, you can speak with AspireCare to get you in touch with Aspire's preferred partners if your company needs a custom-built integration.

  • (For Acumatica Only) Setup Web Service Address, User ID, and Password.

    • This information is obtained from your accounting system.

Enter Account Details in Aspire

On the same Accounting Sync screen, you'll also enter your Account Information from your accounting system. If you have questions on how to enter account numbers in Aspire, please contact your accounting system representative.

  • AP Account

    • This is your Accounts Payable Account.

  • A/R Account

    • This is your Accounts Receivable Account.

  • Deposit Account

    • This is your Checking Account.

  • Materials Account

    • This is your Inventory Holding - Materials Account.

  • Equipment Account

    • This is your Inventory Holding - Equipment Account.

  • Sub Account

    • This is your Inventory Holding - Sub Account.

  • Other Account

    • This is your Inventory Holding - Other Account.

  • Leave Purchase Tax Account, Revenue Account, and Miscellaneous Account blank.

  • Save the Accounting Sync information with the green icon when everything is entered.

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