Aspire allows you to send bulk emails to your customers. There are two ways within Aspire to send bulk emails.
Bulk Email from the Aspire Contact List - Perform bulk emailing directly from Aspire's Contacts Search List screen.
Bulk Email from the Aspire Work Ticket List - Perform bulk emailing directly from Aspire's Work Ticket Search List screen.
Bulk Email from the Aspire Contacts Search List
The Contacts Search List screen allows you to select displayed contacts by using the checkbox on the left of the contact. You can also filter down to specific criteria that your contacts have in common. Then, click the checkbox in the row header to select all.
Once the contacts needed are checked, select the Bulk Actions dropdown in the upper right. Then, select Bulk Email Contacts option from the available options.
The Bulk Actions menu is only displayed if your role has the Mass Email Contacts permission.
The New Email screen will appear. The To field will already be filled in with the contacts you have selected. When emails are sent in this manner, individual emails are sent to each recipient.
The π icon to the right of the Subject line allows you to place tokens in the subject of the email that are filled in with valid values when the emails are generated.
After you are finished filling out the email, you can click the green Send button.
Bulk Email from the Aspire Work Ticket List
You can email clients directly out of Aspire from the Work Tickets screen. The screen is designed to send out individual work ticket-specific messages to all specified recipients for each selected work ticket. You can choose to send to the primary contact, the billing contact, or to all property contacts.
This list allows you to place a checkmark next to the tickets for which Aspire will locate the property contact associated with the ticket and send them an email by using the following steps:
Filter for criteria in the Work Ticket list to narrow down the work tickets you want to send out notifications for.
From the list, check the checkbox next to the work tickets for which you wish to send emails. To check the boxes for all the listed items, click the box with a checkmark in the header.
Click the Bulk Actions Dropdown to display available options and select the Email option. For the Email option to be available on the Work Tickets screen, your role must have the Ticket Bulk Email permission.
Fill in the fields as explained in the list below, and click the Send icon.
Provides three options for you to specify the recipient:
Primary Contact - sends to the primary contact on the property for each work ticket
Billing Contact - sends to the billing contact on the property for each work ticket
Property Contact - sends to all contacts on the property for each work ticket
You can specify more than one of these. For example, if you choose Primary Contact and Billing Contact, Aspire will send to both. By definition, Property Contact includes the Primary Contact and the Billing Contact.
Only With Tags
Allows you to specify contact tags. If provided, email will only be sent to contacts with the specified tags.
Choose radio button to specify account owner
Allows you to specify the subject of the emails that will be generated for each selected work ticket. The Insert Email Tokens icon next to the Subject field allows you to insert tokens into the subject that populates with ticket-specific values with Aspire generates the emails.
Attach Report
When Aspire generates the email messages to be bulk sent to the desired recipients, it attaches a printable (PDF) Work Ticket report if this field has a value. The Attach Report field allows you to choose the report format for the report. Only formats that you have explicitly defined for this report will be available. This is the same report that displays if you choose the Print option from the gear icon on the Work Tickets screen (work ticket search list). If you do not select a report format, no attachment will be included.
When you click in this area, it allow you to enter text. The message supports message formatting (bold, underline, fonts, lists, etc.) as well as the use of tokens (π) .
When you click the Send icon, Aspire will generate the emails and send them to the intended recipients.
π Note: If multiple work tickets are selected for the same property, the recipients will receive multiple emails β one for each selected work ticket. The π icon to the right allows you to place tokens in the subject of the email that are filled in with valid values for each work ticket when the emails are generated. Additionally, you may attach a printable work ticket to the email.